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Nash Chaparro of Nash Productions - The Dreamers Series Q & A


Photography by the famous Andras Schram.

What was your dream as a child to achieve in your life?

To be on TV, acting, singing or interviewing.

There’s actually a video tape in VHS where I’m interviewing my little brother pretending he was a farmer teaching me how to do things, my sister was the camera lady and I had a huge microphone with me.

What are the titles you want to be known by?

Producer, Host, entrepreneur, Mom.

What is your stage name and location of residency?

It’s always been Nash, from Mexico City, grew up in California and Tijuana and now completely in love with my beautiful Calgary, where I’ve been living the past 16 years.

Photography by the famous Andras Schram.

Tell us the story of when you first took steps to start your dreams and career. How did it happen?

I was acting in Mexico through Televisa, the biggest Latin American telecommunications company at the time, I was also studying, once I got to Calgary I knew I had to bring that knowledge to use, so I decided I was a going to create my own production company starting with radio, so not knowing what I was getting into, I bought a space on Fairchild Radio and started selling advertising spots on air and on air mentions, I was also producing content and interviewing people every week. That’s how the whole dream started, one year later people started talking about producing TV and I said why not? Three years later I was producing content for Univision Canada and Omni TV, my production company being the only one doing this in Spanish in Canada.

Two years later I was producing documentaries and now my company is doing a bit more then that.

Being in this industry, I understand we need a little inspiration to dress up for special occasions, I can’t stay still, so I started designing beautiful fashionable shirts and I’m sure this is only the beginning, this nee project is called “N” by Nash.

How has COVID effect your business and career?

I understand it’s been very difficult for entrepreneurs to get pass this situation, however, I’m a very positive person and I’m always looking for the bright side.

I’ve been very fortunate, this has been one of my best years. I’m sure this is thanks to people enjoying content while being in lock down.

This pandemic also gave me the opportunity to slow down, think about new options and come up with more ideas/projects.

Photography by the famous Andras Schram. Nash is wearing her own design.

Where are you at now with your passion, dreams and life?

I’m not even half way there, just getting started and looking to keep on growing, coming up with new dreams and following them at the same time I get to work with amazing people.

How many times have you gone for your dreams?

Many many times, when you are creating something - the inspiration comes and goes in waves, once you understand that rhythm, your own rhythm it’s a lot easier to navigate.

I do need to add that everyone needs a plan and a set of goals to actually get somewhere.

Share an encouraging quote from you to the fans about achieving your dreams.

Success is not for cowards, be brave and work hard. Don’t sit and wait around, it won’t come to you, you need to go get it!

Radio: Sundays at 11am 90.9fm & podcast. Jose Soriano photo.

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